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Seekor ikan dengan mulut mirip buaya yang berhasil ditangkap warga di sungai Citanduy, Kampung Karang Tengah, Desa Balokang, Kota Banjar, Jawa Barat.

Ikan buaya paling berat di dunia ditangkap
DUA orang ahli biologi Jabatan Perikanan, Hidupan Liar dan Taman Mississippi mengukur ikan buaya yang ditangkap Kenny Williams di Tasik Chotard, Amerika Syarikat pada 14 Februari lalu.
TASIK CHOTARD, Amerika Syarikat - Seekor ikan buaya paling berat di dunia berjaya ditangkap oleh seorang pemancing, Kenny Williams di sini, lapor sebuah akhbar semalam.Berat ikan itu ialah 148.32 kilogram (kg), panjang 2.59 meter dan dianggarkan berusia di antara 50 hingga 70 tahun.Sebelum ini seekor ikan buaya berjaya ditangkap di Rio Grande, Texas pada 1951 dengan berat 126.55kg.Menurut Williams, pada mulanya dia tidak mengetahui bahawa ikan yang ditangkapnya pada 14 Februari lalu itu cukup besar.Lelaki tersebut berkata, selepas dia menaikkan tangkapannya di atas bot, dia berasa terkejut melihat ikan buaya itu yang terlalu besar.Williams membuat keputusan untuk menyerahkan ikan itu kepada Muzium Sains Semula Jadi Mississippi di Jackson untuk dipamerkan kepada orang ramai.
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Hakikat sebenarnya, ia bukan suatu keajaiban _____ Tapi ikan ini dinamakan sebagai ALLigator Gar. The Alligator Gar ("Gator Gar"), Atractosteus spatula, is a primitive ray-finned fish. Unlike other Gars, the mature Alligator Gar possesses a dual row of large teeth in the upper jaw. Its name derives from the alligator-like appearance of these teeth along with the fish's elongated snout. The dorsal surface of the Alligator Gar is a brown or olive-color, while the ventral surface tends to be lighter. Their scales are diamond-shaped and interlocking (ganoid) and are sometimes used by Native Americans for jewelry.
Along with its status as the largest species of Gar, the Alligator Gar is the largest exclusively freshwater fish found in North America, measuring 8 to 10 feet (2.4 to 3.0 m) and weighing at least 200 lb (91 kg) at maturity. Kenny Williams, from Vicksburg, Miss., has broken the record for largest Alligator Gar ever caught using a net. [1] He caught the fish on February 14, 2011. The world's largest alligator gar ever caught measures 8 ft 5 in (2.57 m) long, 327 lb (148 kg) in weight, and nearly 48 in (120 cm) around. The fish is believed to have been between 50 and 70 years old, wildlife officials said. Kenny Williams has donated the fish to the Mississippi Museum of Natural Science in Jackson where it will be on permanent display in the future.
The current world record for the largest Alligator Gar caught on rod and reel is 279 lb (127 kg). The largest taken by Bowfishing is 365 lb (166 kg).[3] The fish is also known for its ability to survive outside the water, being able to last for up to two hours above the surface.
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