Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Pets yang berbahaya

10 People Killed By Their Own Pets

Never Keep A Pet That Can Kill You, Seriously, Just Don’t
Here’s a list of people who thought they could tame the rugged, wild hearts of the animal kingdom. They paid the ultimate price and were all killed horrifically, they probably should’ve just gone with a hamster.

1. Black Widow Spider

Mark Voegel, 30, was killed by his Black Widow spider in his Dortmund, Germany apartment. His rotting body was found covered in webs with over two hundred spiders, numerous snakes, termites and geckos munching on his decomposing flesh.

2. Black Bear

Kelly Ann Wallz, 37, was killed in her Pennsylvania home after being mauled to death by her pet Black bear whilst attempting to clean it’s cage. Kelly had tossed some food to the other side of the cage to distract “Teddy” but the bear instead attacked her, killing her instantly.

3. Bullmastiffs

In the ultimate irony, a Slovenian pet owner was killed by his three Bullmastiff dogs that he stopped from being put down, after they were held accountable for human attacks. The man was mauled to death in his garden and died before Police could arrive, the dogs were later put down.

4. Siberian Tiger

Norman Buwalda, 66, was mauled to death by his pet 650 pound tiger after trying to feed the tiger in it’s cage. The dangers of Buwalda’s pets were known, in June 2004, a local schoolboy taking pictures on his property was attacked by a Siberian tiger.

5. Boa Constrictor

Cory Byrne, 34, was strangled to death by his pet Boa Constrictor in his Papillion, Nebraska home. Byrne was showing off the snake to a friend when it became angry, coiling itself around Byrne’s neck and shoulders. His friend phoned the emergency services, who managed to remove the snake and rush him to hospital where he was later pronounced dead.

6. Komodo Dragon

Ron Huff was killed by his Komodo Dragon that he allowed to roam free in apartment, along with numerous other reptilian pets. He had suffered many cuts and injuries from his pet reptiles which he showed off to his friends but the fatal attack from his Komodo Dragon truly finished him off.

7. Urutu Pit Viper

A 44 year old woman who kept numerous venomous snakes, lizards and alligators was killed by a fatal bite from her pet Urutu Pit Viper. After being bitten she drove herself to the hospital, according to neighbours, where she finally died.

8. Camel

A 60 year old woman was killed by a pet camel given to her as gift. It’s thought the camel knocked her over, stamped on her head and then sat on her. The camel was known for it’s peculiar behaviour as it had tried to smother the family’s pet on several occasions by sitting on it.

9. Lion

Al Abell, 52, from Elizabethtown, Kentucky was mauled to death by a lion as he tried to clean the pet’s cage. Al failed to move the lion to a smaller cage whilst he cleaned the larger cage and was duly killed.

10. Wolf Dogs

Sandra L. Piovesan, 50, was attacked by a pack of nine wolf dogs she had raised as pets and subsequently bled to death. She once told a neighbour they "give me unqualified love.", it’s safe to say that she was wrong.

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